Bob Holiday, Broadway's First Superman
Bob Holiday's Publicity Portfolio
A small request

A Walk Down Memory Lane

Sharing Some Notes
With Bob's Fans

Footprints of Friendship


Through the years, Bob Holiday and I wrote to each other. Normally, these letters were written to help a fan receive a book or an autographed photo, but occasionally a personal note would show up.

On one of our very first phone calls, I asked Bob if I could buy a copy of Superman on Broadway (co-written with Chuck Harter). He would not let me buy a copy; instead, he asked for my address and sent me a copy as a gift. I was deeply touched by the inscription he wrote. I'd loved seeing "It's a Bird It's a Plane It's Superman©"on Broadway, and it was nice to meet an actor who paid homage to his fans. I came to learn that Bob had always appreciated his audiences, especially the children who came to see the show. He really meant it when he wrote "You were a part of it." The connection between an actor and his audience is so important in live theater, but not every actor gives the audience its due.

2nd Autograph

Bob and I spoke from time to time. In 2006, Superman Returns starring Brandon Routh arrived in theaters and we each went to see it, Bob on the East Coast, me on the West Coast. We shared our thoughts about it. And I started to notice that never changed. It was set in stone, and mostly covered the 2013 Metropolis, Illinois Superman Celebration.

I brought this up during a phone call. "Bob, I have a computer science degree. Would you like me to update your website?"

"I would really like that," he responded.

It took awhile for me to pull this off. True, I had a computer science degree ... from the 70s. My professors actually invented the Internet, but they didn't have it up and running when I was taking classes. So I set out to learn HTML on my own. My husband bought me a 4" thick book, and I dug in. Just like having a baby, it took nine months.

Once I had the new site up and running, Bob sent me the lovely note you see on the right.

3rd Autograph

A fan of Bob's was an acting teacher, and asked for a copy of Superman on Broadway because he was directing his students in the show. Bob was unable to get the teacher a copy in time, so I lent my copy to this fan. Lives get busy, and it didn't look like I would ever get the book back. Ever gracious, Bob sent me a second copy, this time with the inscription you see on the left. (The teacher did return my book eventually. That's why I have two.)

At that point in our friendship, Bob often called me "Lois." It was fun, because I really was the closest thing he had to a press agent, so the moniker seemed to fit. By now, Bob and his REAL Lois, Patricia Marand, had met at the 2007 Opening Doors Revival of "It's a Bird It's a Plane It's Superman©". So I never really knew which "Lois" he meant. And I never asked.

After Patricia Marand passed away, Bob never again called me "Lois." I'm glad he didn't; it wouldn't have been right.

Many Autographs

Bob was well aware that his autograph was of value. (See 6:08 of Holiday in Metropolis on YouTube.) So he regularly gifted me with autographs. I found a fabulous photo of Bob as Clark Kent on Ebay, I made a couple of copies and asked him to sign them. He was happy to oblige. In fact, he sent me many, many signatures to enjoy. As you can see, I kept them all.

I hope you enjoyed this walk down Memory Lane. Even more, I hope it's helped you to see what a gracious and generous man Bob Holiday was. Considering we'd only met once when I was eleven years old, it's astounding what good friends we became.

Photos courtesy the Estate of Bob Holiday and
the webmaster's personal collection
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Bob Holiday as Superman Bob Holiday as Clark Kent