Bob Holiday, Broadway's First Superman
Bob Holiday's Publicity Portfolio

Bob Holiday
Fans Are
The Best

A Super Thank You to Rob Falcone for Sharing a Long Treasured Memento

Bob Holiday was the master of not one, but two successful careers.

From Bob's autobiography Superman on Broadway (co-written with Chuck Harter):

When I first started Bob Holiday Homes, I used an approximate image of Superman on the sign in front of my office. It was okay for a while, but I kept thinking that if I really wanted to make a clean break from the past, then I shouldn’t be capitalizing on my previous time as Superman. So, I changed the sign and adopted a new logo that I’ve used ever since.

Sadly, all traces of the Superman link with Bob Holiday Homes seemed to be lost. But around here, we often say:

Once a Bob Holiday fan, always a Bob Holiday fan!

And Rob Falcone has proven that to be true. Rob held onto a lone surviving memento of the Bob Holiday Homes link with Bob’s Superman days. Rob Falcone owns what may be the last surviving copy of a promotional postcard that Bob used to advertise his home-building business. And now, Rob is sharing that postcard with YOU!

Bob Holiday Homes Postcard, Front Bob Holiday Homes Postcard, Back
to Enlarge

In Rob’s own words:

A friend of mine brought this in to school to show it to me in late 1975 - early 1976. His father had received it in the mail. Naturally, I latched onto it and have kept it ever since.
I met Bob Holiday once, while I was on my honeymoon in the Poconos in 1989. I mentioned this card, and he offered to buy it from me. If I hadn't been so obsessive/compulsive I would have just given it to him. But, now that he's gone, I'm kinda glad I still have it.

A Super Thank You to Rob Falcone for sharing this marvelous piece of Bob Holiday history with us.

Photos courtesy of Rob Falcone and the Estate of Bob Holiday
Text: Superman on Broadway, ©2003 Bob Holiday and Chuck Harter,
@2020, Rob Falcone, Toni Collins
Hat Tip to Brian McKernan
SUPERMAN and all related elements are the property of DC Comics. TM & © 2020
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Bob Holiday as Superman Bob Holiday as Clark Kent