Another Treasure From the Collection of Steven Thompson
For two weeks straight, collector Steven Thompson has offered to share items in his collection
with Bob Holiday's fans. Mr. Thompson unearthed this treasure from The Scrantonian newspaper
dated December 5, 1965. This may have been the first public announcement outside of NYC that Bob Holiday had been cast as Superman!
Note the last sentence: "The Brooklyn born actor resides
with his mother in New York City." Bob Holiday was a devoted son
to his mother. With the exception of the few years he spent in
California, Bob always provided a home for his mother. He even built a
home for her in Hawley, right next door to his own home. Bob
was always a generous and giving soul, and taking care of his
mother was one of the most important missions of his life.
Photos courtesy of Steven Thompson, The Scrantonian of Scranton, PA, and the Estate of Bob Holiday
Hat Tip to Brian McKernan
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