Bob Holiday, Broadway's First Superman
Bob Holiday's Publicity Portfolio

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Superman Saves City

Man of Steel Stops Missile Fired From Mysterious Sub

METROPOLIS, March 29 --
The city of Metropolis was saved today from complete atomic destruction when Superman flew to intercept a missile bearing an atomic warhead approximately six miles off the Eastern coast.

The resultant explosion knocked down one abandoned lighthouse and was seen by fishermen as far away as Atlantic City. Several reported shipping water and one small dinghy was foundered, but no lives were lost.

While citizens of Metropolis were pursuing their daily business, their fates were being held in precarious balance due to the recent absence of Superman from his usual crime fighting activities. A last minute phone call from Sydney, cute, spunky secretary of Max Mencken of this paper, to Jim Morgan, lab assistant to Dr. Abner Sedgwick, informed Morgan that Lois Lane was being held captive and in danger. Through Morgan's attempts to save Miss Lane, police were able to locate Superman and notify him of the peril to this city. Otherwise, we would not have published today.

Dr. Sedgwick's reputed connection with this plot may have been motivated by a strong sense of revenge in the aging, slightly cracked scientist.


In the words of Jim Morgan, lab assistant to Dr. Sedgwick at the Metropolis Institute of Technology, Sedgwick had recently shown signs of "cracking up" and had in fact vowed to discover the true identity of Superman and destroy him in order to avenge himself on the world that had largely ignored his contributions to science.

Dr. Sedgwick, it is rumored, had been using a newly invented computer and certain experimental techniques in behavioral engineering to both discover the identity of Superman and bring him under his control. In this he was somewhat aided by information obtained from members of The Daily Planet staff, which is awfully embarrassing for us. As partners in Evil, Sedgwick had made an alliance with an out-of-work acrobatic team, The Flying Lings.

Having cleaned all this up, Superman flew off over Jones Beach in pursuit of the atomic missile and was heard to say as he took off: "This is a job for Superman!"

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Bob Holiday as Superman Bob Holiday as Clark Kent